Does Sasuke die in Boruto, Naruto Shippuden, or Naruto?

While Sasuke may have been one of the most powerful and important characters in the Naruto Shippuden series, as we enter Boruto things have looked worse and worse for the shinobi.

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As fans who have seen the show will know, Sasuke has had a hard time in Boruto, be it fighting against incredibly powerful foes or sustaining injuries that drastically limit his kit, but you may be wondering, does Sasuke die?

As the series is still arriving there could be more information to come but here’s everything currently available to know about Sasuke’s fate in Boruto.

Does Sasuke die in Boruto?

You’ll be happy to hear that as we reach the time-skip in Boruto chapter 80, Sasuke is still very much alive, however, fans have speculated that his days are numbered. As you’d expect, this does mean that Sasuke survived the original Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series.

In the opening prologue of Boruto’s first episode, we see Boruto facing off against Kawaki with no sign of Naruto or Sasuke being around. Furthermore, Boruto is seen to be wielding Sasuke’s sword. We also have seen Sasuke give Boruto his headband, and anime fans will know that gestures like this can often indicate a passing of the torch on its way.

For now, Sasuke fans can relax as the shinobi is still around, however, his power has been severely limited since it peaked. Sasuke had one of his eyes stabbed by Boruto as he was controlled by Ishhiki losing access to the Rinnegan.

Also, the power scaling, in general, has tipped in favor of new characters and further away from legacy ninja — like Naruto and Sasuke — so it wouldn’t be outlandish to suggest someone could best them in battle.

If you’re a fan of Sasuke you can relax for now, but as Boruto continues we’ll likely get more indication of what his future in the franchise looks like.
