9 of the Best Jobs for Teaching English in Costa Rica Thi...

Learn the who’s who of teaching English in Costa Rica! Costa Rica’s lush tropical rainforests and dreamy coastline make it a top destination for travelers everywhere, not to mention it’s the happiest country on the planet. All this, and more, make Costa Rica the perfect place for teaching abroad!

Teaching Costa Rica

Teaching in Costa Rica is the adventure you’ve been waiting for!

Teaching abroad is awesome and there are tons of ways to go about it. The most surefire way is to get TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified. There are lots of online classes, but if you want to teach in one specific country, like Costa Rica, taking a certification class in country will score you more points with future employers. We’ve listed our top TEFL Costa Rica classes here, and most will help you with job placement after as well. There are a handful of other teaching jobs abroad, from teaching English to teaching music, and we’ve listed our best from Costa Rica here. You can also keep an eye on our job board. A lot of the teaching abroad positions are volunteer based. You won’t earn a salary, but you will earn a life-changing experience that will open your eyes to an entirely new culture and way of life. (Plus it looks pretty great on your resume!).

Here’s a sneak peak of the best programs for teaching English in Costa Rica this year:

The best programs for teaching abroad in Costa Rica this year 

Editor’s note: This information on ESL jobs in Costa Rica was accurate at the time of publishing. Please refer to each individual program for current data.

Maximo Nivel logo

1. Teaching English Abroad in Costa Rica thru Maximo Nivel—9.23 rating

“I chose the Maximo Nivel program in Manuel Antonio because of a Facebook recommendation that said the instructor is AWESOME. (The fact that a glorious beach is just a 10-minute, 56-cent bus ride away didn't hurt.) And the instructor IS awesome -- Audra Wooldridge may be the best instructor I've ever been lucky enough to learn from in my life! Audra teaches TEFLers by expertly using the techniques that we'll use on our own future students, so we were able to experience first-hand how effective they are. Plus she is energetic and witty ... every day was exciting. I finished the program 1 week ago, have had 3 job interviews, and feel confident that at least 1 solid job offer will be made. If you're wondering whether the TEFL Costa Rica class is worthwhile, I say it absolutely is -- esp if you train with Audra at Maximo Nivel!” —Read more Maximo Nivel reviews here

  • Where? Manuel Antonio and San Jose, Costa Rica
  • When? Year-round; 4 weeks
  • Why? The only thing better than teaching in Costa Rica is earning your TEFL certification there too! Maximo Nivel specializes in TEFL for Peru, Guatemala, and Costa Rica! Their specialization will make the course even more useful for teaching Spanish-learners who are immersed in Costa Rican culture. Maximo Nivel provides lifetime job placement assistance, so you’ll be set once you certify with them.
  • More Maximo Nivel teaching program info
ITTT logo

2. Get Certified as a TEFL Instructor with ITTT—10 rating

“Getting Certified by TESOL meant a lot to me. After 10 years of teaching different ages, I think new doors have opened to me. When I first got to know about the course and more importantly it being held in one of the dreamlands I always wanted to visit, then I didn't hesitate for even a minute and applied. When there, I was received warmly and facilitated professionally to accomplish my tasks. Even after the course, I sought help and friendly staff of IEL360 took pleasure in offering their honest help or advice regarding job opportunities.” —Read more International TEFL and TESOL Training reviews here

  • Where? Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica
  • When? Year round; 4 weeks
  • Why? ITTT is one of our top providers for TEFL certification. Their four week, on-site certification class in Costa Rica will have you ready to teach English in no time! You’ll spend the first 2 weeks learning about teaching and the second two weeks practicing lesson planning and teaching. ITTT works with local students, so you’ll be able to practice teaching on actual students, giving you the confidence to go out and teach on your own. ITTT also provides lifetime job placement assistance.
  • More ITTT teaching program info 
API logo

3. Teach Abroad in Costa Rica with API—9.36 rating

“The overall program administration was great! It was so nice to know, before you were able to call your host country a home, that there were resident directors who could help you through every step of the transition to teaching English in Costa Rica. I really felt like I was able to go to them with any sort of problem or concern. API also deserves credit for their incredibly well organized excursions. I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to travel with other students in my program to discover the beauty of Costa Rica in Manuel Antonio & Rio Celeste and even taking a trip over the southern border to visit Panama City and the historical Panama Canal… I would definitely recommend this program to any student seeking a truly memorable and meaningful study abroad experience. Pura vida!” —Read more Academic Programs International reviews here

  • Where? San Jose
  • When? September and October; 4 months 
  • Why? API’s ESL jobs in Costa Rica aren’t paid positions, but they’re almost free. The program itself costs ~$750, but there is a ~$500 bonus if you complete your teaching contract. In exchange for your teaching services, about 20-30 hours a week, you’ll get room and board plus a laundry service (look great, smell great, sleep great!). This is a awesome opportunity to teach in Costa Rica this year without breaking the bank.
  • More API teaching program info
Greenheart Travel logo

4. Teach English in Costa Rica with Greenheart Travel—9.0 rating

“All of my Greenheart Travel programs have been unforgettable! My advice is to choose Greenheart Travel. The website is very straight forward, and any other question you may have, the staff is always open to answering them in a timely matter. While abroad, they reach out to you to make sure your program is going smoothly. It is very comforting to know that the person you were in contact with before your departure still connects with you during and even after your program. My host family was amazing! I also enjoyed trying new foods and experiencing a new culture.” —Read more Greenheart Travel reviews here

  • Where? Guanacaste, San José, Cartago, Limón, Puntarenas, and Alajuela (likely rural towns and villages)
  • When? March - October; 4 months 
  • Why? The Costa Rica Government has an “English Training for Employability” initiative, a program focused on empowering at risk young adults and helping them gain employment at local businesses where a basic to intermediate level of English is required. Greenheart Travel has chosen to assist the government with this, making their teaching program uber affordable. You pay $250 for their international insurance (super important!) and then a $500 deposit, which is fully refundable at the end of your contract. Room and board is covered, and you’ll be making a real difference in the community. It’s a win-win!
  • More Greenheart Travel teaching program info
The Cultural Exchange Project logo

5. Teaching English Abroad in Costa Rica by The Cultural Exchange Project—9.49 rating

“My school placement for teaching English in Costa Rica was great. I was teaching at two middle schools for 17 hours per week. Most of the teachers that I was teaching with were really good at realizing when I needed help translating for the students or controlling unfocused energy in the classroom. TCEP provided some great materials that spring-boarded my teaching ideas while other materials were incomplete and useless. I did have many more resources than tutors that I met that had used other American agencies to travel. Living with my host family was the most rewarding part of the experience. The youngest girl in the family improved so much in English while I was there. She was my little buddy. I also had time to travel on weekends. This program was great.” —Read more The Cultural Exchange Project reviews here

  • Where? San Ramon, Costa Rica
  • When? February - October; 4 weeks
  • Why? This volunteer program doesn’t require a TEFL certification. As long as you are a native speaker, The Cultural Exchange Project will place you in a local school where you’ll assist a local teacher. Your role will be more focused on simply talking to the students and helping them to practice their conversational English. Accommodation is generally a homestay, so you’ll bond with local families and taste lots of yummy authentic Costa Rican food.
  • More The Cultural Exchange Project teaching program info
PAA logo

6. Music Volunteering & Teaching in Costa Rica by Performing Arts Abroad—8.65 rating

“Started this great adventure with barely no Spanish and almost no experience in teaching piano. But I guess an interest in discovering a new country and culture, a passion for sharing music, and a great support made the whole experience go well and smooth: from the pre-departure preparation with Reynolds, to CRLA Spanish classes and tourism advice with Marianela, Lorenzo and their team, to my warm and welcoming host family (the Monge) and to finally the friendliness of Josue and his students (from kids to adults) at Sion music school... my journey teaching English in Costa Rica was amazing all the way” —Read more Performing Arts Abroad reviews here

  • Where? San Jose, Costa Rica
  • When? May-August 2019; 1-12 weeks
  • Why? This program is special because it allows you to share and teach your musical skills with others, but also because it includes daily Spanish classes, free salsa classes, and weekly cooking classes! You’re guaranteed to learn tons about the Costa Rican culture and people with awesome extras like these. If salsa and cooking classes aren’t for you, have no fear! This program also includes a homestay for accommodation, meaning yummy authentic food and plenty of opportunities to learn about the culture. 
  • More Performing Arts Abroad teaching program info
ELI Abroad logo

7. Teach English, Arts, and Sports Classes with ELI Abroad—10.0 rating

“I had an amazing time. I was advised by the Eli team and we kept in touch all through my experience, safest program ever. You’ll honestly never want to leave this place. All the staff is amazing and caring. You make true friends here, and bond with all the kids. They are always smiling and teaching you more than you’ll ever teach them. Makes you continuously appreciative. Besides you’ll never stop learning from their amazing culture. I 100% recommend it, you won't regret it.” —Read more ELI Abroad reviews here

  • Where? Juan Santamaria, Costa Rica
  • When? Year round; 2-12 weeks
  • Why? ELI Abroad’s teaching program in Costa Rica focuses on local schools in rural locations that might not have access to normal school supplies and resources. As a volunteer teacher with this program, you should be ready to think on your feet and improvise without these materials. You could teach English, arts, or even sports classes! Working with underprivileged communities and schools like this is not only super rewarding, it’s also a nice way to escape the crowded city life and get a taste of “pura vida.”
  • More ELI Abroad teaching program info
World Endeavors logo

8. Assist a Local Teacher in Costa Rica with World Endeavors—9.95 rating

“LOVE the town, the people (especially my host family!), where I work and am very happy with my spanish classes. Overall, I think World Endeavors and their local staff did a great job organizing everything.” Read more World Endeavors reviews here

  • Where? Varying cities in Costa Rica
  • When? Year round; 2-12 weeks
  • Why? This program has all the basics—a homestay, three delicious meals a day, international insurance, cultural activities, and even discounts to local stores! You’ll likely be stationed in the beautiful city of Atenas, which is known for its sugarcane and coffee crops, a plus for any of you coffee fanatics out there. This program uses volunteers as assistants in the classroom, so it’ll be less pressure on you as well. Teaching English to cute Costa Rican children will be practically a vacation with World Endeavors’ great program!
  • More World Endeavors teaching program info
Love Volunteers logo

9. Make a REAL Difference Teaching English by Love Volunteers—9.6 rating

“I chose to volunteer with Love Volunteers Education Program teaching English for a few reasons. I wanted to meet the children and help them obtain a universal tool that could help them reach further in their lives. I wanted to experience a rich culture far from my own and make a difference there. I got all of that and more out of my experience and impact while volunteering. Did I mention that this was my 1st time teaching and my 1st time volunteering? I have to say that it couldn’t have been a better 1st-time experience! The smiles on the students faces when they learned new words, meanings, and pronunciations from our classes were amazing. The energy they displayed and the connection I was able to make with them touched my heart and confirmed that I had chosen the right volunteer program. I felt like part of the family immediately. Everyone was so incredibly supportive, great partners in the classroom, and helped me obtain some teaching skills to take back home! When my time was up, the hardest thing was saying goodbye to all of my students...and I quickly started thinking of when I would be able to come back and see them! I also was sad to leave the delicious food, beautiful scenery and people.” Read more Love Volunteers reviews here

  • Where? Santa Barbara de Heredia, Costa Rica
  • When? Year round; 1-12 weeks
  • Why? Love Volunteer’s teaching program in Costa Rica is a super budget-friendly option. As a volunteer with this program, you’ll assist local teachers by playing games and engaging with the children in English. You’ll be able to help them with projects, life skills, and a variety of other important things. The program requires just four hours of work per day, so you’ll have plenty of time to explore Santa Barbara de Heredia, which is just a twenty-minute drive from San Jose. 
  • More Love Volunteers teaching program info

[Browse ALL Teach Abroad Programs in Costa Rica]

You’re ready to teach abroad in Costa Rica!

Teaching Costa Rica

The Costa Rican culture is just one of the draws of teaching there.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country with world-class coffee, amazing wildlife, friendly locals—you’ll love teaching abroad there (can we join you?!). Whether you go the TEFL course route, search for a volunteer program, or just keep an eye on our GoAbroad job board, teaching English abroad in Costa Rica is the adventure you’ve been looking for! You’ll have the opportunity to live abroad, make a difference in people’s lives, and add a great experience to your resume. 

So get goin’! You’ve got this, compadre.

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